8may23, George S. Almasi, v.73:
slideshow5.php accepts these arguments preceded by ? or &:

help - this help menu
folder= specifies the path to the photos. If http or the server is not specified, folder is assumed to be a local folder below where the slideshow php file is located. As a special case, folder can be one of my friend Lawrie's .htm files, from which we extract the actual folder.
duration= or photo_duration= sets the seconds for which a slide displays (default=3)
caption expects a 2-column "imgname caption" tab-delimited file named PhotosAndCaptions.html in the folder
soundtrack=some.mp3 plays a file named some.mp3 that you've put in the folder along with the pics.
   if 'some.mp3' isn't specified, program looks for 'my.mp3'.
scroll lets you just scroll the photos instead of seeing a slideshow
   optionally, scroll=3 starts you at the 4th photo in the scroller
quilt=8 brings up a clickable quilt of thumbnails with 8 columns (default=6) instead of a slideshow
   clicking a thumbnail takes you to the full-screen scroller at the right position
intro=filename reads filename from folder into optional Intro section; default is intro.html;
like=stag,fox selects only photos whose names contain stag or fox
notlike=stag,fox skips photos whose names contain stag or fox
-1 in 3rd col of PhotosAndCaptions.html means show only when scrolling, otherwise it can be a customized duration for that photo.
slideshow5.php can also be included in an arbitrarily named and located php file that uses sessions to pass the parameters slideshowref, quiltref, and scrollref for the menubar buttons