Java applets are no longer supported by any web browser,
due to security problems that arose (i.e., the bad guys),
but applets can still be viewed on a PC or Mac desktop
using a standalone browser called "appletviewer" that comes
along with a modern Java installation (version 1.6 or above).
Type "java -version" in a command window to see whether you have
Java installed and whether it's the 32- or 64-bit version
(the response will tell you).
You can then download, unzip, and run
two of my applets from the link below,
using the script (.bat) file included in the zip file.
Or you can just watch the videos on this page.
- A MIDI sound-enabled bass fretboard that can also play a tuba:
- A visualizer for a supercomputer designed for the molecule-folding problem:
This was a massively parallel collection of small processors, with 8KB caches for instructions and for data. Click the green "Go" button in the panel on the right, and you can see the dynamic state of these caches as the program runs. The source code can be seen in a tab of the panel on the left.