This website is maintained for fun by
George S. Almasi
If you wish,
email me a comment and I'll append it to this page.
Include your email and/or phone if you'd like to give
fellow bubble aficionados a chance to contact you.
(Frank Mayadas deserves thanks for the idea of having such a page; the mechanism may eventually get fancier.)
"What, me worry about this site? It's great!"
-- Alfred E Neuman,
"You have a great web site! What an elegant group of inventors!"
-- Emerson Pugh
"Great! good to see a picture of Hsu Chang again."
-- C. Denis Mee
"It works! Look at those bubbles go!"
-- John Powers, (914) 248-6016
"Those were some of the best years of our lives."
-- George Keefe, (914) 737-4711
"This brings back fond memories."
-- Larry Rosier, 408-223-0678, LLROSIER@SBCGLOBAL.NET
"This is great! Thank you for doing all this work!"
-- Jennifer Vickery
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